Art blog, Art projects, Blogger, Handmade, handmade cards, crafts projects, Organize, Recycle, upcycle,

Recycling project studio clean up

I gave myself the task to regularly clean up an area, drawer or box in my studio.  This came about from participating in a ‘happy mail’ swap. It is amazing what can be found tucked away at the back of a drawer.  I save a lot of odds and ends, items that I think I can use and reuse for future projects. These sticker sheets are some of the items that I did not want to part with when the last of the stickers were used.

My projects have evolved over time.  I have items saved that no longer spark project excitement yet they are still usable.  I gather these items in assortments to give to other makers.  Knowing that these supplies will become part of another makers’ project makes it easier for me to part with them.  Time for them to be added to someone’s fun of creating. And I keep the stuff to recycle for myself because I like to discover new uses for these bits that would usually be tossed away.

This is an example of one of the uses for the sticker sheet backing sheets.  I gently pressed the backing sheet onto a sheet of watercolor paper and painted in the spaces with watercolors.  The areas where the paint oozed under the sticker backing add interest to the design.  I can doodle over them, layer more paints or leave them as they are.  This will be a good base for a card or collage project.

What fun items do you recycle in your projects?

Art blog, Art projects, Blogger, Handmade, handmade cards, crafts projects, Organize, Recycle, upcycle,
Sticker backing used as a stencil.
Art blog, Art projects, Blogger, Handmade, handmade cards, crafts projects, Organize, Recycle, upcycle,
Adding more color to the spaces.
Art blog, Art projects, Blogger, Handmade, handmade cards, crafts projects, Organize, Recycle, upcycle,
Background pattern ready to be embellished.

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